Contracts in CalUsource
All executed contracts should be loaded into CalUsource
- Contracts Reporting Overview
- FAQ: Contract Authoring and Execution
- Routing for Signature using AdobeSign
- Authoring a Contract
- Using a Contract Language SMART Template
- Direct Link to Contracts in CalUsource
- Which contracts should be loaded in CalUsource?
- Contract Confidentiality
- Determining Supplier Status
- Changing a Contract Administrator FAQ
- Removing a Team Member from a Contract
- Adding a Team Member to a Contract
- Adding New Supplier Contacts to a Contract
- Amending a Contract
- Routing a Contract for Supplier and Team Review
- Deleting a Draft Contract
- Adding Notes and Attachments
- Load a Pre-Signed Agreement
- Contract Notifications
- Creating a Supplier in order to Load a Pre-Signed (Fully Executed) Agreement
- Configuring User Profile Contract Settings
- Creating a Draft Contract
- Glossary of Contract Terms and Definitions
- Reporting on Contracts with Insights Webinar
- Benefits of Loading Contracts