An event owner has the ability to upload price sheets within their RFx.
How to Upload a Price Sheet
Scroll down to the Price Sheet section.
Click on the Add button and then Create New Price Sheet.
Create a Price Sheet Name.
Select the Price Sheet Type.
Create a Price Sheet Description of what suppliers should enter in their price sheets.
Click on the Done button.
Scroll back down to the Price Sheet section.
Click on the Name of your price sheet.
Click on the Upload icon.
Drop your price sheet in an Excel file format into the Attachments upload window.
Your price sheet excel file will now display as being attached.
Click on the Close button.
An Information prompt will display confirming that the file was uploaded successfully.
Click on the Yes button to refresh the screen.
Your price sheet data will now be uploaded from your Excel file. Select Done to return to your sourcing event.
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