If a supplier cannot be found in CalUsource, it is due to them not being registered in the system. Suppliers will not be able to access or respond to an event without having been registered within CalUSource.
How to Register a Supplier
Select the Create button and then Supplier Profile.
An Add Supplier form will display.
Input the Supplier's Legal Name.
Select the supplier's Category.
Leave Organization Entity set to Procurement.
Enter the supplier contact's First and Last name.
Enter the supplier contact's email address.
Checkmark the Send Invitation option. This will send the supplier an email notifying them to complete their profile setup which includes establishing a password for CalUsource.
Click on the Choose Supplier Manager link and select a supplier manger.
Checkmark the Subscribe button, so that the manager is notified of any profile status changes.
Click on the Submit button.
A notification will display confirming that the supplier has been added.
If you see a notice that the supplier already exists in the system, do not add the new profile. Please find the already existing supplier profile and update it as needed.
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